Monday, February 15, 2010

over and over again.

no matter how great a day has been,it will certainly have its own sunset. - cliche as it sounds but definitely true.

i just had a good time for the first two weeks of the so called love month.i could have stayed at that moment much longer or say forever.i won't be enumerating the positive events that had happened,lets just say that it has been good lately.believe me,it did.funny cause really things are getting better and better but ironically i really feel like crying and whining now.haha.i honestly don't have any ideas why though.i ain't sad,i have nothing in mind right now but maybe i just got up really sentimental today.lets see.

no pain,no gain.

life is messy sometimes.and yes,my life is messy has been screwed up, and yeah, mainly because i allowed it to happen.things can be fixed,hell right.but as of yet i can't say for certain until when I'll be on the same pathetic status though i know how and when to start getting up and moving on.i am just not on the right track yet and i haven't started doing so.maybe,i am just a certified masochist who used to crave for pain most of the time.sigh.

crap.just when i thought it's all over,just when i assumed i am already doing good,i suddenly bumped into the reality that i am not and that i have never been.not yet.i have seen myself in the same picture,over and over again.yeah.i have loved completely and i know for a fact that it wouldn't be that easy for me to get okay that isn't like a piece of will never gonna will always leave a permanent mark in me,sure thing.nevertheless,nothing can be that easy.oh well,allow me to face the aftermath all by myself.i can manage.i always can..:)

but,what if?..

what if someone shouted "CUT" and the scene is finally over?
what if it isn't this way?
what if it has been the other way around?
what if things have been better for us? i wish that life functions just exactly the same how some of the computer processes work.we simply -

-or what have you.

but it's didn't,it doesn't and it will never ever be.heart wrenching,indeed.

moving forward,i have to wake up and face what reality has to offer.thanks for the good memories,i won't let go too soon but i won't hang on for too they say,as we grow,we learn more.i hope i am.anyway,everything in life is impermanent,this too shall pass so why cling to things then?i have been tough and i know for a fact that's all i have to be.what else is new?but life has much more to is indeed full of is always yet to come so live to the fullest!

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