my week started with me visiting my university to check if ever there's any progress with regards to the upcoming commencement day.other than day,april 20th was our graduation pictorial.we were strictly advised to come in earlier than the scheduled time,which was 8am.yours truly arrived there at around 8:30,a little bit late but not really.i was under the assumption that it will be done right before we took our lunch,but it's the other way around.oh!Filipino will always be a Filipino.around 5pm,i was home.
tuesday,april 21st.i asked a very close friend of mine to inform if and only if my name was already added on the most awaited "tentative list of graduates for 2008-2009".unfortunately,there's no new post yet,and so after shift i decided to get home and do the usual eterinaries.
wednesday after shift i went immediately to school.hopeful.assuming that there's a new post.i rushed to the registrar and gladly,there was!but the thing is,my name was still not there.i waited until 4 or 5pm due to rumors that they were supposed to post new list after lunch,but they did not.i decided to check my status with the officer in the registrar assigned to our college."antayin mo lang"-she responded.i nodded but at the back of my mind,until when?i only have two days left.this coming Monday will be the release of the final list of graduates and the certificates of candidacy.paano 'to?i just then found myself seating and crying on one of the benches.i really did.just for some reasons that only few people knew and could understand.
thursday,april 23rd.the zambales escapade day.i was supposed to be at Iba,Zambales for a youth camp that we planned to participate with months ago.i filed my leave hoping that finally i'll be having a break.but the leave was never approved.and so,i stayed with my usual life while closest friends of mine left me for a while and participated on such event.i hate being alone.maybe because i am used of doing stuffs together with them or might be with their assistance.and so i was in doubt if i'll drop to school after shift due to that incident.but i have to.so after shift,on my own,i checked the list.sabi ko 'pag wala pa yung pangalan ko dun by that time,ayoko na talaga.but to my surprise,my name was already there!finally there!the long wait was finally over!and the sure thing?gagraduate ako.(=
thanks for those people na walang sawang nagpakita ng suporta sa labang ito.
i havent got enough sleep during the remaining days of this week.but the mere fact that it will be for my graduation,everything wasn't difficult for to me to accomplish.saturday afternoon,i'm finally done.
me and my friends who just got back from zambales done something unusual yesterday after school.we headed along to ROBINSON'S Pioneer to had our lunch and they let me see the smaller version of one of the books that i am really wanting to buy. this one -
fortune telling known to be predicting future is one thing that i don't really have the guts to do so.siguro 'cause i don't believe in them and i don't want to believe them.curiosity and indecisiveness led me to try it for once.it just so happened that the results were not good.really not good.just to give you a glimpse,one of those stupid questions i asked was how will i die.reading the cards,he said,due to accident.and it resulted to paranoia.i tell you.and i have to get it out of my system before anything can happen.not now.
and so that was how my week ended.the coming week will be a different story...