"When I see him, his smile, his frown, his eyes, just everything about him,I end up liking him just as much as I did before I stop. I guess once you love someone, and admit it, there’s no crossing back. It’s a line that will forever stay embedded deep within your heart. Because once you have loved that someone, it doesn’t go away. You’re forced to care. And though how much you wish to prevent it, deep inside you know, he’ll always be special…"
-always be special.
i have seen this so called achy-breaky-hearts-thoughts from a friend's page.thought was expressed so bluntly and pretty much plainly.but i must admit,i fell in love with this thought.it's buggin and oh,pity me!my mind is preoccupied.
i don't know if i shall put all the blame on my page for pampering me whenever I've got no one to share emotional thoughts with.it is completely tolerating me to prolong the agony,and just then i realized,at the end of the day,i have been lonely for too long.blame it on love,i guess!
day after day,thought of being a single woman doesn't leave my mind.believe me,whenever i see couples,i end up thinking who's gonna be the next lucky guy who'll share everyday life with me romantically?i was dying to escape the thought,but i hunters me for some reason.it does.how pathetic.
i never envisioned myself to be alone,however i am afraid that destiny did.how childish it may seem but i am still dreaming of an elegant,beautiful,unforgettable,not too showy and executed in the most exquisite way wedding in time.one day,i will still be marrying a man that i love just as much as he will love me.oh!i can't wait!
have you heard about committed love?it's when you're willing to commit your life to one person,you take a pledge to remain true throughout good and bad times.nah!too tautological.anyway,that's something most of us would know.'lemme ask,have you ever felt such stage of love?personally,i don't think so but i am afraid i did.i always believe that in one's lifetime,we are just destined to love and commit ourselves to one person.not two,not three.i repeat,to only one.that will take too much effort and ending up with that person doesn't always follow,realistically speaking.maybe in the long run,parting ways will be possible.it has been said that disappointments come our lives,it never failed to come - no matter how the two of you love each other so much.exemption is always present.one may go,one may leave,you might feel differently one day.that's pretty much predictable.oh well,that's one of the life's cruelties yet,somewhere in it there will be a gift one day.
i am incredibly attracted to one guy as of the moment.someone i scarcely knew.however,i couldnt think of him as a romantic possiblity.out of respect and sanity,i guess.bad habit.i am haunted by him most of the time.it's crazy.admittedly,often times,crazy is good.but i have my parameters set,never i thought of falling in love with that person.i am not in condition to do that.and i've learned.hearts can be very easily hurt.we have just started conversing couple of days and that wouldnt justify the attraction to lead to emotional investment.i blissfully conversed with him,nothing more,nothing less.he is not a boyfriend material,a lover,a suitor or candidate on any of those.i only know one thing,he's a bad habit,indeed.i honestly don't know why my fingers continuosly hit the keyboard and came up with this thought.hmm..
going back,in connection to the aforementioned "committed love",i am afraid i have it.believe me.i felt that.and when you do,as i did,regardless of the status quo you two both have,love will find it's way.and though it may not to be destined today,it can be in time.in another lifetime.at least,you know,you loved.that's all enough.no crossing back.and at the end of the day,you will know,it's a love at price.it's worthwhile.the best is yet to come.
-always be special.
i have seen this so called achy-breaky-hearts-thoughts from a friend's page.thought was expressed so bluntly and pretty much plainly.but i must admit,i fell in love with this thought.it's buggin and oh,pity me!my mind is preoccupied.
i don't know if i shall put all the blame on my page for pampering me whenever I've got no one to share emotional thoughts with.it is completely tolerating me to prolong the agony,and just then i realized,at the end of the day,i have been lonely for too long.blame it on love,i guess!
day after day,thought of being a single woman doesn't leave my mind.believe me,whenever i see couples,i end up thinking who's gonna be the next lucky guy who'll share everyday life with me romantically?i was dying to escape the thought,but i hunters me for some reason.it does.how pathetic.
i never envisioned myself to be alone,however i am afraid that destiny did.how childish it may seem but i am still dreaming of an elegant,beautiful,unforgettable,not too showy and executed in the most exquisite way wedding in time.one day,i will still be marrying a man that i love just as much as he will love me.oh!i can't wait!
have you heard about committed love?it's when you're willing to commit your life to one person,you take a pledge to remain true throughout good and bad times.nah!too tautological.anyway,that's something most of us would know.'lemme ask,have you ever felt such stage of love?personally,i don't think so but i am afraid i did.i always believe that in one's lifetime,we are just destined to love and commit ourselves to one person.not two,not three.i repeat,to only one.that will take too much effort and ending up with that person doesn't always follow,realistically speaking.maybe in the long run,parting ways will be possible.it has been said that disappointments come our lives,it never failed to come - no matter how the two of you love each other so much.exemption is always present.one may go,one may leave,you might feel differently one day.that's pretty much predictable.oh well,that's one of the life's cruelties yet,somewhere in it there will be a gift one day.
i am incredibly attracted to one guy as of the moment.someone i scarcely knew.however,i couldnt think of him as a romantic possiblity.out of respect and sanity,i guess.bad habit.i am haunted by him most of the time.it's crazy.admittedly,often times,crazy is good.but i have my parameters set,never i thought of falling in love with that person.i am not in condition to do that.and i've learned.hearts can be very easily hurt.we have just started conversing couple of days and that wouldnt justify the attraction to lead to emotional investment.i blissfully conversed with him,nothing more,nothing less.he is not a boyfriend material,a lover,a suitor or candidate on any of those.i only know one thing,he's a bad habit,indeed.i honestly don't know why my fingers continuosly hit the keyboard and came up with this thought.hmm..
going back,in connection to the aforementioned "committed love",i am afraid i have it.believe me.i felt that.and when you do,as i did,regardless of the status quo you two both have,love will find it's way.and though it may not to be destined today,it can be in time.in another lifetime.at least,you know,you loved.that's all enough.no crossing back.and at the end of the day,you will know,it's a love at price.it's worthwhile.the best is yet to come.
"It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude,it is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered;it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. Love never fails".
I Corinthians 13:4-8
"It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude,it is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered;it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. Love never fails".
I Corinthians 13:4-8